160609EH Opiki School Planting Day 3

BBQ Trailer

160609EH Opiki School Planting Day 2

HDC Community Engagement Project


Opiki School Pupils help Recreational Services and HDC create a beautiful native space at Horseshoe Bend Scenic Reserve in Tokomaru. 


On the 9th June 2016 Recreational Services’ Horowhenua Team and HDC jointly hosted Opiki School pupils for a Community Planting Day at Horseshoe Bend Scenic Reserve in Tokomaru. 

The kids enthusiasm kicked started the day off wonderfully as they arrived at 9:30am for an induction onto the site. Firstly the kids helped the RS Team identify all of the potential hazards and then received a tutorial on how to plant the native shrubs correctly. The kid’s ripped into the planting and spreading of the mulch, with all work completed incredibly by 11:30am. Following the completion of the planting, 4 bollards were raised in the gardens with “Opiki School 2016” proudly carved into them. 

A great morning for all involved in the project and in kiwi style, what better way to celebrate a hard morning’s work than with a BBQ and cold drink. It was the perfect setting to test out the new RS community BBQ Trailer and gazebo.  

Excellent feedback was received from both Opiki School staff, HDC Parks Officers, and HDC Councillors who came to check out the action. If you want to check out what went on, please follow the link below to a Youtube video created by Opiki School’s Room 4.  

Thank you to HDC who supplied the native plants and the RS Horowhenua Team for your labour/supervision on the day, and thank you to the Opiki School kids, staff and parents for all your hard work on the day.

Opiki School - Learn by Doing!