HDC Community Engagement Project
New Goal Posts for Taitoko Primary School
Recreational Services were lucky enough to be involved in a community project initiated by the Horowhenua District Council (HDC) and the Horowhenua Kapiti Rugby Union (HKRU). The Aim of the project was to utilise an old set of rugby posts that were no longer required by HDC. Taitoko Primary School was identified as the ideal site with their high percentage of rugby playing pupils, but with no posts to utilise.
Over 2 weeks in May Recreational Services were engaged to organise the fabrication for the new post sleeves, arrange painting of the old posts and install all materials. All costs were kindly taken care of by HKRU and the labour supplied at no cost by RS as part of our KPI with HDC to engage in one community event each month.
The posts are now standing tall on the school field being enjoyed by the kids at lunch time – thank you to everyone involved who helped make this possible.