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Gisborne District Council 

Media Release - 5 May 2017 

Maintenance contracts working for Tairawhiti

Council’s Community Development and Services Committee accepted the recommendations to award new maintenance contracts for the district’s community property and recreation spaces.

Five local contractors were awarded contracts for community townships and a leading New Zealand industry specialist, Recreational Services were awarded the Master Contract for a minimum five year term.

“The majority of our current maintenance contracts will expire on June 30 2017,” says Community and Recreation manager Andrew White, “so it was the right time to review how these services were delivered.”

Previously services were delivered through approximately 40 various formal and informal contractors. 

“Combining a number of services into a smaller number of contracts, with clear expectations on performance would enable quality improvement of services delivered to the community,” says Mr White.

The Master Contract now known as the Mahi mō Te Tairāwhiti contract, would provide all maintenance services for recreation and community amenities in Gisborne, and surrounding areas such as Rere reserves, and will also provide other specialist services to sportsgrounds across the district.

Community caretaker contracts that operate in existing townships were retained, with increased scope of duties to include activities like summer camping operations.

“It was important to us that the relationship and passion local caretakers have in their communities was retained and supported.”

During a thorough procurement process Mr White says an emphasis was placed on quality, with an expectation that the lowest price offer would not necessarily be accepted.

“Throughout the process, participants have been required to increasingly demonstrate to an Evaluation Panel that they can offer the Tairāwhiti community what it expects and deserves in terms of how our places and spaces are looked after.”

“Recreational Services were the strongest applicant in terms of quality and methodology and although from outside of Gisborne they have already met with current local contractors and suppliers to negotiate services and expertise.

“A majority of staff will be employed locally, and a commitment made to using local sub-contractors and suppliers.”

It was also an opportunity to widen the scope for innovation and specialised expertise to develop within the local recreation and amenity industry. 

The Mahi Tairawhiti contractor is committed to sharing their specialist knowledge and help upskill and improve local operations, and developing relationships with community caretakers that will maximise the benefits they can provide to communities.

Contracts start on 1 July 2017.