Mayoral Function

Recreational Services Operations Manager invited to speak 

Graffiti Team making a difference in the community 

On Monday the 16th of November, our Auckland based Operations Manager Corrie Jamieson was invited to speak at a Mayoral Function about the North Graffiti Eradication contract. The meeting was attended by all service providers and asset owners such as Kiwi rail, Vector and Transport. Since the inception of the new graffiti policies, graffiti has dropped by 50% in Auckland.

Corrie spoke of the passion of our staff and the community he and his team work in, being the community they live in. He spoke about our staff process of reporting the graffiti and taking ownership of the entire contract area. This is a great success story for Auckland Council and Recreational Services. 

In the past year there has been a 24% reduction in graffiti in this area. Recreational Services also report 42 internal jobs for every one job reported by Council, which is twice the amount that is required by Council in our contract. 

Great Job, Corrie and the Graffiti Team.